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Matt's Memories

Written 2/23/2002
by Matthew Smith, age 14

Matt & Steph - June 2000

     Hi!  I’m Steph’s cousin Matthew Smith.  I just wanted to write something’s to show people who have friends, family members or even themselves who are thinking of suicide.  I just wanted to show you that people do care!  I’m certainly am going to miss her and the things we did together.  Things like going to the movies, swimming, listening to music, playing tennis (even though she beat me all the time}, or just hanging out.

     The worst part of suicide is that you never know when it’s going to happen.  Like a couple of weeks or less I just saw her and she was just fine.  Then one night I came home from Rival at church and got a call from my Uncle saying Steph had committed suicide.  And I cried until I couldn’t cry anymore.  I had a couple of nights where I couldn’t sleep.  So it goes to show people really do care if you don’t know.

     There’s sometimes I just wish life was like a VCR.  So that you can just rewind and redo your mistakes, or add stuff.  If I could I would tell her that I loved her, and that other people loved her, even your worst enemies and friends.  Just because they don’t show it doesn’t mean they don’t.  Cause I can’t see how anyone could not like the most gorgeous and talented person in the world.  Then you just have to look back and ask yourself the one word question.  WHY!  Why would you, or I do such a thing?  Why would I even think or try to do that?

     But I guess you have to look at the bright side of things.  At least she’s in a better place, called “HEAVEN”!  Even though we can’t see her, she probably is watching over us.  I end this by saying goodbye and I LOVE YOU!